New York City is a well-planned city and is laid out in a grid. It runs Northwest to Southwest with street running East and West and revenues running North and South, which makes it very easy to locate a particular place. The streets of number and increases as you go North.
All the streets and buildings are numbered and marked on NYC maps Which makes it easy to locate a particular building as well. There are 20 blocks per Mile along the Avenue and the average person can roughly walk one block per minute and can go up to 60 blocks in an hour.
The most convenient method of traveling places on foot and this is the most preferred mode of traveling in the City. You can also check what will be the distance if you travel by walking on New York City Maps. Even if you get a Subway or a bus, you still might have to gauge certain distances on foot from stations or stops.
New Yorkers are extremely fond of jaywalking, and you will find a lot of people jaywalking 10 to 15 times a day. Though it can be very dangerous for newbies, and you have to look out for speedy oncoming cars, it is recommended to wait for the signal and then cross the road. Do not follow people who are jaywalking, and they might have the time to cross the road but you being behind them might not.
Also while walking you have to remember that in the US people drive on the right side of the road on two-way streets. So remember to look on your leftover shoulder to check for incoming traffic. That you will have to be aware of one-way streets and cyclists who usually cycle against traffic. Even if you are at a red light you have to keep in mind that vehicles like police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances do not stop at the red lights. So steer clear of these vehicles. Also, you can check on NYC Map about the traffic so that it will help you to know which road has high traffic.
New York City Pedestrian Etiquette
If you are not fond of jaywalking, keep in consideration that New Yorkers love to jaywalk and make sure that you don’t block the way. if you are a slow Walker keep space for people you can walk past you and don’t suddenly stop and cut people off. make sure to keep space for others to pass or overtake you if you are walking in a group.
It is considered okay to bump into people in case you happen to do so since most of the sidewalks especially in Manhattan are extremely crowded. If you do happen to bump into somebody you are expected to say excuse me, or I am sorry.
If you are carrying an umbrella while walking makes sure that your umbrella to not catch a parcel by the eye. since the city walks are mostly crowded it is not encouraged to be on the phone while walking on the sidewalks. If you happen to have a pet keep your pet close by you as a wandering pet might create a menace on New York streets.